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it just runs into the wall every time how do i steer?
edit: thanks

Foxdance responds:

You hold space to turn left, release space to turn right! The car accelerates automatically.
It's hard to control but the point of the game is to try and get as far as possible without crashing despite the car being hard to control.

I've updated the controls in the description, thank you for your feedback!

bug when your in firework room u can still click on the cat

Bigaston responds:

Oh damn! Thanks for the report

wow this is awesome! after the killer bee room, the screen went black and a save/load error popped up but I had fun

JR01Games responds:

The game is a little heavy on browsers,
if you have any issues with the game, I advise trying the downloadable version of the game at the bottom of the description. I'm glad you liked it!

doesn't seem to work on edge, can't move the camera and there's two glitchy white lines to the right of the mouse.

ErikSwahn responds:

Hmm, some seem to have that problem. I have put up a question on how to solve this on forums.

nice art! could be turned into a really good game if you added sound, made more levels and added player death

KamiTami responds:

the credit for this art goes to Robby Scherer and his game Helmet Heroes (the original game was made in flash and as the flash died he ain't gonna update it anymore i got everything and trying to make a fan base remake also will add some assets made by myself and change the graphics on later) however ty

hey can u add wasd?

baroldbilly responds:

WASD added!

That was really interesting thanks

ozuzo responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

cool, I love the art and feathers maybe add some sound?

VerhontStudio responds:

Thank you. You can turn on sound in settings

fun maybe add music?

FGgames responds:

Thanks for the idea, As it says the game is in pre alpha! I am going to work on it in a bit, And I will add music and more upgrades! Thanks for being the first rating.



Added to the game!

it just froze when I got to the right door im walnut street, playing on edge browser.

Anamura responds:

Yeah I experience some seconds loadings at times when playing on browser. It's definitely better to download the game, performance is much better. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for playing!

Cairo @hhponygames

Age 26, Male

Game Design

Joined on 12/10/18

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