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there doesn't appear to be any goal... when you hit the ball it just goes straight up. The little wiggle the player does to hit the ball is hardly an animation... The graphics are okay and the music is cool . the game is playable but it seems like there's no reason to play it. Okay, I replayed and it appears the goal is to not be dead and get as many points as possible.. But that's kinda boring maybe add a bit of flare to the death animation. lol. And I think six lives instead of just 3 is a good idea, and having the ball move to more places on the screen would be cool with like.. a bigger area and faster moving speed. Anyway, those are my thoughts on the game I think it needs some work and maybe a score table.

HenryExists responds:

Maybe, but I’ve tried making the ball go in different places, but it doesn’t seem to work, and 3 lives are name of the game (actually)

It’s based off a game of the same name we used to play in my Tennis lessons, and this is a tribute to it.

And I like your idea of a score, I was planning on adding that immediately when I started exporting the game, and I thought “Dang, that’ll be a cool idea.”

I think your constructive criticism makes sense, and I might make that the next update.

I use gamemaker 1.4 is there really an 8.1?

Booeoff responds:

yeah but it's an older version released in 2011.

this would be even better if you could rotate the shapes.
edit: OK now I see how it works, but I have a few tips: single-player mode? That would be a bit of work but I think the majority of people playing this are alone relaxing or something... and some more clarity of which row you are in so like horizontal lines or boxes background in the actual playng areas.

barbocc responds:

You can! But not near walls. A button rotates the left side. Right arrow rotates the right side. It's singleplayer game with new hardcore mode. Left hand controls left side, right hand controls right side at same time. This is a challange of game. It is not for lazy relaxing game process. It is new hard mode of tetris)

cool man it looks like some effort was put into this game for sure! can you add a restart button?

iopna responds:

That's a good idea. I'll add more sounds and tidy up the sprites a bit too. Thanks for playing!

I got about 25

IsDoomed responds:

Thank you! how much did u get?

very interesting player movement

matispokoYT responds:

Yes Of Course

wow this is cool u should sell it

Kakao0 responds:

thank you so much.

looks good but why so small?

Tawa64 responds:

Because It will 999 years to make it bigger

what do u mean kinda reset, it worked for me :D

Diggon responds:

It doesn't reset EVERYTHING but you'll only really notice if you're going super fast before you press R.

this is hilarious

QuirkyPlayz responds:


Cairo @hhponygames

Age 26, Male

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