
106 Game Reviews w/ Response

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wicked game!!!

SugarRR1031 responds:

Thank you! Please tell me if there's anything that can be improved upon or what you did like about the game!

the game seems pretty short but all the art and effects are great.

Shvap responds:

Thanks for the feedback!

i lost and i don't know what i was supposed to do or how i lost

Screenchubshaha responds:

It’s a racing game. You have to go around the track before the other guy.

the puzzles make 0 sense but everything else is good.

LunaLore responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Each puzzle is based off a property/pattern in Pascal's Triangle, like the hockey stick pattern and hexagon pattern.

How do I get over that slanted platform??
Edit: ok. there are too few platforms to choose from, the platforms are too big for the room, and the level is too small. But it's a good start so I'll give 3 stars.

jasiolakstudios responds:

you can move the platforms by holding down the left button

how do you feed peter???
edit oh ok thx
I bought a few upgrades then somehow had billions of points is this a bug

Screenchubshaha responds:

Press E to feed him and H to make him happy
Edit: no that’s what Brian does lol :P

too random

thealbarryshow responds:

Lol, it is the world’s most random quiz. What did you expect?

This is fun. It would be cool if you doubled the players attack damage.

pixiekid66 responds:

Thanks. You mean like, as an upgrade? I'm working on an update that'll add stuff like that.

I like the music but the gameplay is crappy. Because you lose like 10 seconds in.

ErrorDisplayingUser responds:

Thanks for the review. I'm trying to fix this bug, i don't know how it is happening but it's also supposed to be a very hard game

Too much thinking for me but I like it nice going.

Shuinvy responds:

Thanks for supporting!
Thanks for playing~

Cairo @hhponygames

Age 26, Male

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