
106 Game Reviews w/ Response

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The art and coding is pretty good, but the music is awful, also pressing 0 to start and restart every time is an awkward button.

GamerPants responds:

0 is supposed to be like a coin. Also, I'm not exactly the best with music, honestly.

Not much of a game... The music is kind of cool but is too short and repetitive... (gets old quickly). Nothing to do but jump around in one small level where the player is too big and badly drawn.

Owen-Slendytubbies responds:

But are you saying it without hurting or to hurt?

I had fun shooting rocks for 5 minutes I use game maker too!

Exoskelton851 responds:

:) thanks i guess

Hey, really nice fantasy environment going on here, and the swords look awesome. Maybe make it less grindy. You could add a +10 BPPC button for like, 2000.

octosteele responds:

Thanks! Currently working on that and some other updates!

I pressed the button.

UGCC responds:

It was a screamer like the Scary Maze Game

this is really neat I like it.

doobieshloobie responds:


this demo is super buggy. you can't slide down walls. you can't jump off of the square enemy at the start and there's no way to get past the one on the bottom platform... unless you can attack them. which there are no instructions on how to even move. it took me awhile to figure out enter key at the start. so yeah It's not playable yet.

Axolotlguy1321 responds:

Yeah, I will take it down, do some fixes, and then release it again, thanks, and once I do the fixes, plz review it again to make sure it's gud. Also, ur supposed to jump over the 2nd one
Alright, just added instructions

fun and challenging

LiTenNet responds:


Is there any more levels after the pickle? Why does the pickle kill u when it says to pick it up?

Piss5556 responds:

actually pickle dont kill you it make you win + this old version

well, you're good at art. and i seen a lot worse games.

kiiroichi responds:

Thanks! it's definitely not meant to be anything serious, but I suppose it works at the very least!

Cairo @hhponygames

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